Stories about the Northern Lights include both scientific truths and myths about what causes this ex...
Stories about the Northern Lights include both scientific truths and myths about what causes this extraordinary natural phenomenon that manifests itself as a light show in the sky.Polar aurora is a phenomenon in the form of luminescence that appears in the night sky, generally in polar areas, although it can appear in other areas of the world for short periods. In the southern hemisphere it is known as the aurora australis and in the northern hemisphere as the aurora borealis.To explain the phenomenon of the northern lights we must go to physicists specialized in magneto-hydrodynamics. But these experts surely speak in a language difficult for most mortals to understand.Here is a somewhat simpler explanation: when solar explosions and flares reach a certain intensity, huge amounts of particles are thrown by this star into space. So also for the northern lights we have to be grateful to the sun.From there, things get a bit more complicated. When the aforementioned particles reach the Earths magnetic shield, they are attracted to an area around the North Pole, known as the oval or auroral belt. There they come into contact with the upper part of the atmosphere, the layers of ozone, oxygen and other materials that protect our planet. The energy that is released then is what we see as the Northern Lights.All this happens about 100 kilometers above our heads. The enormous energetic charge of the auroras, which contain countless atoms and molecules, is the reason why we get to see them so clearly.Although we may not think too much about it, the Northern Lights are as natural a phenomenon as the weather. Their appearance and intensity vary depending on the suns activity and their location depends on the Earths magnetic field.These magical lights appear in an oval-shaped strip on the Earth always in the same position in relation to the sun.The Northern Lights are by no means a new phenomenon. Some ancient orally transmitted tales already made reference to the spectacle of the Northern Lights, as did many legends. Symbols linked to the northern lights can be seen, for example, in the shamanistic drum of the Sami. Precisely in this culture, the Sami, the phenomenon has different names, including Guovssahas, which means "the light that can be heard." That is, poetry in motion.During the Viking period, the Northern Lights were believed to be the armor of the Valkyries, or warrior virgins, which cast a strange flickering light. Today, locals often refer to the auroras, with all due respect, as "the green lady." To find out why, just take a look at photos and videos shared on social media. Of course, in real life you will have the opportunity to observe many more nuances.It is usually possible to see the auroras, at night, from the mainland of Northern Norway, and during the day from the Svalbard archipelago. When the activity of the sun increases, the auroras can also be seen from further south in Norway, but they are also found in Iceland, Finland, Canada, Alaska, Russia, Sweden and Greenland.